
Sunday, January 13, 2013

'Tis the Season for Blogging Awards....

Blog of The Year 2012 Award and Best Team Member Readership Award

Nominated by Aillin O'Brien, Merron Riddiford and Jill Ball

Nominated by Crissouli

Hot on the heels of being awarded Best Blog of 2012 Year Award for my newest blog 'Family Convictions - A Convict Ancestor'   which I must say, I was very excited to be nominated for by a blogger I much admire,  crissouli , I was more than surprised to find amongst the comments on my FamilyHistory4u blog, that I had been nominated for this award not just once but three times.  Fellow and greatly respected geneabloggers, Aillin O'Brien , Merron Riddiford   and Jill Ball all nominated my blog for this award which I accept with great pleasure.

Awards sometimes attract some negative attention, however, I believe that not only are they a way of showing appreciation for the hours of research that precedes the posts that bloggers write, especially in the area of history and family history, but they are also a wonderful way of networking. Nominating blogs for awards are a way of promoting the informative and often fascinating writings of others.  Each time someone nominates a blogger for an award, I discover yet another talented writer whose work I might otherwise not have read. So, a huge thankyou to all who follow and read my blogs. I'm sure you will all agree that we write from the passion for what we are interested in and in the hope that others might learn even just a little from our experiences.

The greatest critics of our own work are ourselves, and I believe that these awards are a great encouragement to continue doing what we love to do, for  as Judith Martin said, " When virtues are pointed out first, flaws seem less insurmountable." So, thank you once again for your words of appreciation and offers of encouragement. I will be posting a list of nominees who I also feel worthy of receiving these awards over the next few days.
With my return to my university course this year, my 2013 goal will be to keep writing about my genealogy journeys.